Friday, October 25, 2013

Programmer Linus Torvalds and The Linux

Linus Torvalds came for a family of journalists. His parents, grandfather and even his uncle all were well educated in fields of writing, organizing and distribution for news to the people of Finland(where they lived). As a child Linus had been greatly influenced by his grandfather and the interest in computers which lead him to enroll in University of Helsinki. In the University of Helsinki, Linus majored in computer science. While enrolled in the university, Linus had gotten bored and frustrated with certain software that he began a project that was based on both MINIX and UNIX. Finally after much time and effort Linus had published his program, the Linux also known as the kernel used in toady's operating systems. Linus has been developing programs for over twenty years now.

Linus Torvalds historic program the Linux is an open-source operating system modelled on UNIX and MINIX computer languages. In the early 1990's Linus had his kernel, Linux but it didn't have any programs to run. Around late 1991 Linus had combined his kernel with GNU programs giving it even more life. Linux is used even in today's computers along side windows, mac and other operating systems. Linux is a much more open operating system, allowing the user to actually work with the coding of it. Windows and mac on the other hand don't allow just anyone to mess with the coding of there operating systems. Some advantages of Linus is its freedom is super high, its easy to install, very stable and less vulnerable to computer malware.
A few disadvantages of Linux are many windows programs will not work on it and there is a smaller selection of hardware drivers for it to use.


  1. I agree that Linux is much more than an open operating system. I never would have thought that Linux would affect our daily lives as much as it does. It's remarkable how tons of people use Linux everyday without even having a clue about it. I guess Linus really lives up to his title as the king of nerds.

  2. I completely agree with you on the fact that you can change the coding easily on LINUX. This OS would be good to software programmers but the people who are new to this OS are going to have a hard time in figuring it out how to use it.

  3. Joshua, great read. Linux is definitely very easy to install, you have a ton of freedom and it is very stable. If you want to change coding then you should definitely go with a Linux based operating system, otherwise I would go with a Windows or MAC based operating system. I understand the stability and the freedom that comes with Linux, but I think Windows or MAC systems are better.

  4. With the whole thing with Linux being on a high level of intelligence I agree on that. It is not as popular as other operating systems but it still has it's varying uses in today's world. I would also have to say that I believe that Dennis is my choice for top programmer for the sole reason of he's the creator of the C language. I know this is only my opinion but it's what I believe.

  5. I agree, I found pretty much the same type of information as you Josh, I think it's kind of funny how a operating system like Linux could actually be used so often and not be as famous to the public as a new Windows operating system, like Windows 8, or MAC operating system, like Mountain Lion. Until we started doing the research I had never even heard of Linux or Linus Torvald, not even realizing that Lunix is involved with my own cellphone operating system.

  6. Josh, I like your post. I thought it was interesting that both of his parents also attended the same university and were important figures there. I also thought it was interesting to know that the name Linux was derived from Linus' name and Unix put together. I also think that some of the advantages to Linux are that it is easy to install and that it is less vulnerable to computer malware and viruses. Torvalds seems like an arrogant person though from a couple articles i read about his actions in the work place. The University of Helsinki seems like a pretty prestigious place to go. I agree with you about Linux being cheaper and that it is free in some cases. Torvalds seems like an arrogant person though from a couple articles i read about his actions in the work place.

  7. Can definitely tell that you did your research. I like how you mentioned the GNU because without it i don't think Linux would be the same or did as well as it has. Freedom was a great word to use for Linux. That is among the top reasons i see if i ever did want to switch to Linux even though i would have no idea how to use that freedom. I do hope to learn though someday. Good post though very informative.
